Gaëtan Dorémus exhibition for children aged 4 to 104
Gaëtan Dorémus is the guest author/illustrator for the 2024 temporary exhibition.
He wanted to immerse the public in the world of small animals: those on the ground, those in the air, those that chirp, hum or crawl, jump, bounce… In short, a world full of life. To do this, he went back to his illustrations from four albums published by Le Rouergue: Rosie, Champignons, Minute Papillon! and Quatre pattes, from which he extracted a bevy of little creatures from his imagination, in all shapes, colours and sizes.
They’ve taken their place in the exhibition, and you’ll have to keep your eyes peeled and your wits about you to find them all. There are those hidden on the ground or in a tree trunk, and those suspended in mid-air… It’s up to the audience to go in search of them by slipping into the shoes of budding entomologists.
Luckily, Rosie the spider is on hand to give entomologists a helping hand, using her thread as a guide. Unless, of course, Rosie herself has also got her threads tangled up…
In this exhibition, Gaëtan Dorémus takes an offbeat look at the world of insects, and humorously draws our attention to their vital role in biodiversity.
We’re sure that Microminus will awaken everyone’s curiosity about the world of insects, which are essential to the balance of life.
What makes a book for children is that a child is reading it!